Student Resources
Annual Undergraduate Philosophy Conferences (nearby)
- Pacific University Undergraduate Philosophy Conference (Oregon)
- Philosophy and Religious Studies Undergraduate Conference, CSU Bakersfield
Online Philosophy Resources
- Who Studies Philosophy? American Philosophical Association.
- American Philosophical Association (APA): resources about the profession, including data on the profession, philosophy conferences, journals, associations and societies, committees of the APA, and more.
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Detailed, scholarly information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.
- Essays in Philosophy: A Biannual Journal: An online journal of philosophy originally created and developed by Michael Goodman, Professor of Philosophy, Cal Poly Humboldt.
- A Guide to Online Philosophy Resources: Online courses, lectures, podcasts, databases...
- Philosophers Imprint: is a refereed series of original papers in philosophy, edited by philosophy faculty at the University of Michigan, with the advice of an international Board of Editors, and published on the World Wide Web by the University of Michigan Digital Library. The mission of the Imprint is to promote a future in which funds currently spent on journal subscriptions are redirected to the dissemination of scholarship for free, via the Internet.
- Includes thousands of well-sorted links to philosophy resources, departments, organizations, journals, and much more.
- Erratic Impact: A Philosophy Research Base, categorized by history, subject and author, is a meta-index featuring thousands of annotated links, text resources and community services for students and teachers conducting research in the field of philosophy.
Philosophy for Children
- PLATO (Philosophy Learning & Teaching Organization): advocates and supports introducing philosophy to pre-college youth through programs, resource-sharing, and the development of a national network in pre-college philosophy.
- Center for Philosophy for Children:
- PC4 (Philosophy for Children:
Philosophy News
Daily Nous: Articles and commentaries about current events in Philosophy.
- The Stone (New York Times), weekly editorials by professional philosophers applying their philosophy skills and knowledge to address current events & Issues
- Philosophy News Service: Philosophy news and announcements from around the world
Applying to Graduate School
Philosophical Gourmet Report 2004-2006: A ranking of U.S. Graduate Programs in Analytic & Continental Philosophy.
Petersen's Guide: A very complete guide to educational institutions, grad programs etc., as well as financial aid info.
Chronicle of Higher Education: Academe This Week is an on-line publication for those in and pursuing higher education.