Teaching - Pre-College, Community College, University

There are a variety of teaching career paths for philosophy graduates. Our program has alumni working in each of the below fields: 

Philosophy Lecturer or Professor, University - Requires completion of a four-year Doctoral / Ph.D. program in Philosophy.

Philosophy Lecturer or Professor, Community College - Requires completion of a two-year Masters degree in Philosophy.

For more information, see "Going to Grad School?" under our "Student Resources" tab.   


High School or Elementary School Teacher - Many of the skills developed by a philosophy degree can be applied to the field of teaching, including oral and written communication, research, and critical thinking. Many teachers teach courses in a field other than their primary subject of study. Philosophical skills, issues and sometimes philosophy texts and literature can be made part of subjects such as English, Social Studies and Government courses.  

The traditional path requires a bachelor's degree and completion of a one-year teaching credential program after the Bacherlor's. Most state universities, Including Humboldt, offer such a program. California also offers "alternative paths to becoming a certified teacher in the state". For more information, see:

* California Teacher Certification Degrees: https://www.teachercertificationdegrees.com/certification/california/

A minor or double major in a subject would be advisable to maximize competitivness, and would be necessary to teach in unrelated subjects, such as Math or Biology.

Teachers are required to perform some non-classroom (service) duties. One rewarding way for graduates to fulfill that might be to start and advise a Philosophy Club at their school. They might also convince their principle to add a philosophy course elective they would teach. While uncommon, such courses exist in schools across the country.


For more information, see

* Humboldt School of Education, Credential Programs: https://education.humboldt.edu/content/credential-programs

* "So You Want to Teach Pre-College Philosophy" (American Philosophical Asociation): https://www.apaonline.org/page/precollege

* The journal Questions: Philosophy for Young People, which is dedicated to promoting and supporting pre-college philosophy instruction.